Greater Peoria is centrally and strategically located. With an international airport right here in Peoria, you can get to almost anywhere with ease. The airport is a valuable part of the region’s dynamic and growing transportation hub.
Direct Flights Map
World-Class Airlines.
General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport offers travel services from 4 major airlines. This means better service and competitive rates for travelers in our region.
Fast and convenient.
Greater Peoria is home to the General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport, which is a short drive from the business and population center of the region. As a mid-sized airport, it offers an ease of navigation, short wait times and FREE parking.
Nonstop Destinations.
The Greater Peoria region is home to General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport, which offers 11 nonstop domestic flights.
Business or Pleasure?
Both. The Peoria airport is a quick, affordable travel solution. With as many as 4 direct flights to Chicago daily, you are just an hour away from worldwide access. And with affordable direct flights available to Las Vegas and several Florida locations, your vacation destination could be just 2-3 hours away.
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