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Regional Data

Get the data.
Save the day!

Get the data.
Save the day!

For Regional Partners.

For Regional Partners.

Need to update your community profile or collect the most current numbers for your marketing materials? Looking to improve your strategy by understanding our region’s economy? Want to share your latest data sets with other regional partners? This is the place to locate and share numbers so we can all tell a better story for Greater Peoria.

For Businesses.

For Businesses.

We know site selectors prefer to cut through the banter and get down to the nuts and bolts of a region. This site provides straightforward answers to help narrow choices when finding the right fit for your client’s next move or expansion. If you are a business handling your next move internally, this site has the right data for you.

For Progress.

For Progress.

As a region we all require real numbers and current data to make the best decisions for our organizations and collective impact initiatives. By knowing the real numbers, we know both our strengths and areas that need improvement. This website provides real numbers with honest analysis to help drive Greater Peoria’s success, from the inside out.

Looking for a location for your next move? Consider Greater Peoria!

This is the place to get the no-nonsense, current economic and community data that you need to find quickly when embarking on the site-selection process. Of course we think our region is the best place for your company to call home, but we don’t want you to just take our word for it. In Greater Peoria, we like to let the numbers help us tell our real story and guide our economic development.

Anything missing? See room for improvement? That’s great! We want to make sure this site has what you need and is a useful tool. Please contact us with any questions or suggestions. We can also discuss any custom data needs you may require.

David Jackson
Communications Manager

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