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About the Greater Peoria Data Hub

The Greater Peoria Data Hub is an interactive online database to guide regional community and economic development initiatives. The Data Hub serves as a single point of initial contact for businesses, citizens, non-profits, anchor institutes, students, employment seekers, governments, site selectors, and other parties that use regional data to guide their decision making.

By analyzing programming and regional trends, the Data Hub offers in-depth data of regional issues, the programs and resources addressing those issues, and opportunities for engagement in regional activities. The Data Hub also supports strategic regional development — as outlined in the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) — by improving sharing and access to data, analyses, and resources among all parties engaged in CEDS work.


The Data Hub is designed to be a comprehensive and central resource for the immense data collection and analysis work already performed by numerous regional partners. By pulling our data analysis work together into a shared space, we can better focus our regional community and economic development discussions and activities.

The Data Hub relies on both primary and secondary data, collected by public and private sources. For data presentation, the Data Hub utilizes Tableau, a data presentation and analysis tool, to create interactive data visuals that allow users to sort and extract data as needed.

Most data collection and presentation points in the Data Hub is automated to allow for a greater focus on data analysis. Data analysis pulls together data, research, and regional context to provide more information to the site user on what data points mean, why regional trends occur, and the efficacy of regional programming. Analysis is done at different levels depending on the topic and intended audience.

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