Top Employers
Employer data helps showcase our robust economic activity and growing industries in the region. Greater Peoria is supported by companies of all sizes that work together in a dynamic ecosystem.
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Top Industries
The economy of Greater Peoria is dynamic and ever changing. Over the past 15 years, the regional economy has seen drastic changes in the number of jobs in manufacturing and healthcare. This page contains estimates of jobs by industry from 2001 across all ZIP codes in Greater Peoria. Data can be sorted by industry and community as well as by year. (EMSI estimates, 5 Digit NAICS codes)
Gross Domestic Product
The Bureau of Economic Analysis released prototype statistics for gross domestic product (GDP) by county. These stats can be used to track the progress of industries over time.
Firms by Age
New firms matter. While riskier than more established firms, their creation and destruction allow regional economies to add new jobs and to innovate. This page contains data on the number of new jobs created in Greater Peoria by firm age and the distribution of firms by age range (Peoria MSA).