Public hearing for Logan County Businesses
April 30, 5 PM
Physical meeting location:
601 Broadway St, Lincoln, IL 62656
2nd Floor courtroom
Online: https://meet.google.com/egx-bvxj-hdx
Dial-in: (631) 618-4699
Access code: 342944346
Persons with disabilities or non-English speaking persons who wish to attend the public hearing and need assistance should contact County Board Secretary Brenda Clark at 601 Broadway, Lincoln, IL 62656, and/or by phone at (217) 732-5927, no later than April 27, 2020. If desired, attendees may send an email during the hearing to Chairwoman Emily Davenport at edavenport@logancountyil.gov. If one encounters problems with access to the meeting, an email should be sent to bclark@logancountyil.gov.
Register your attendance

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